1. Open your FTP and replace these files with files in the version 1.7.1: application/controllers/Home_controller.php application/controllers/Post_controller.php application/controllers/Ajax_controller.php application/controllers/Auth_controller.php
assets/css/rtl.css assets/css/rtl.min.css assets/admin/css/rtl.css assets/admin/css/custom.css 2. Upload "varient-v1.7.1/assets/css/style-1.7.1.css" and "varient-v1.7.1/assets/css/style-1.7.1.min.css" files to "/assets/css" folder in your FTP. 3. Add this line to "application/language/default/site_lang.php" file:
$lang["all_time"] = "All Time";
If you have other languages, you also need to add this line for your other languages. 4. Upload "documentation/updates/.htaccess" to "uploads" folder in your FTP. 5. Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.
** If you don't want to update your site like this, you can update your site by following all steps in the Updating FTP Files section. If you update all your files with this method, your site will be updated to version 1.7.1.
Update from v1.6.x to v1.7.1
Follow all steps in the Updating FTP Files section.
Follow all steps in the Updating Database section. You can find update_database.php file in the "documentation/updates/Update from v1.6.x to v1.7.1" folder.
If you've added additional languages, you need to add the new added phrases to your language files. To do this, open "documentation/updates/Update from v1.6.x to v1.7.1/new_phrases.txt" file, copy all text in this file and paste it to end of "application/language/language_folder/site_lang.php" file.
Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.
Update from v1.5.x to v1.7.1
Follow all steps in the Updating FTP Files section.
Follow all steps in the Updating Database section. You can find update_database.php file in the "documentation/updates/Update from v1.5.x to v1.7.1" folder.
If you've added additional languages, you need to add the new added phrases to your language files. To do this, open "documentation/updates/Update from v1.5.x to v1.7.1/new_phrases.txt" file, copy all text in this file and paste it to end of "application/language/language_folder/site_lang.php" file.
Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.
Update from v1.4.x to v1.7.1
Follow all steps in the Updating FTP Files section.
Follow all steps in the Updating Database section. You can find update_database.php file in the "documentation/updates/Update from v1.4.x to v1.7.1" folder.
If you've added additional languages, you need to add the new added phrases to your language files. To do this, open "documentation/updates/Update from v1.4.x to v1.7.1/new_phrases.txt" file, copy all text in this file and paste it to end of "application/language/language_folder/site_lang.php" file.
Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.
Update from v1.3.x to v1.7.1
Follow all steps in the Updating FTP Files section.
Follow all steps in the Updating Database section. You can find update_database.php file in the "documentation/updates/Update from v1.3.x to v1.7.1" folder.
If you've added additional languages, you need to add the new added phrases to your language files. To do this, open "documentation/updates/Update from v1.3.x to v1.7.1/new_phrases.txt" file, copy all text in this file and paste it to end of "application/language/language_folder/site_lang.php" file.
Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.